Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Dragon Rework

DragonWIP15Small, originally uploaded by NigelQuarless.

I've gotten alot of great feedback on this image, and based on a real concensus for the girl's pose and expression not being convincing or compelling, I've reworked her and I think she's working much better now.

Thanks to Tony, Derek, Barret, Nonie, Vic, Min, Aurelie, Bjorn, Kan and Scott!!!! I really appreciate the feedback on this (and my work in general) You guys rule for taking the time to help me out!

Some of the feedback I got on this has hit on some points I need to address in my work going forward, I'm going to address those in my next post, but right now I'm getting ready to head home for the holidays.

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone!


  1. Just wanted to say again how great this came out after your tweaks. Funny- it was just minor adjustments but it made a huge difference.

  2. Pretty frackin' awesome, Quarless!
    Glad I found y'r blog.

  3. Hey thanks guys!

    Scott - Really stoked you like the tweaks... they did do alot for the piece! Please tell me if you think it falls off the railssee it go sideways from here on in though!

    DDK - Great to hear from you man! Hope you're well!

  4. HOT DAMN! Excellent Nige! There is a sense of realism now in this piece that was not there before! Where can I see a larger version of this! To quote Mo....great wolume on the figure.
